To all of our patients, team members, our community support, and suppliers, on behalf of myself and our team at Simply Beautiful Smiles, we hope you are faring well and keeping safe and sound.
These are difficult times in many and varied ways for all of us. The dental community has been hit very hard with mandated restrictions which have been very far reaching and very strict.
Many practices are closed and may never reopen. Our own practice had a reduced patient flow to less than 5% of capacity, restricted to only emergency dental treatment that could not be postponed.
The good news is, dental practice restrictions are being eased to a Level 2 as from Monday 27th April 2020. This means in effect that we can undertake most dental procedures that we normally do, with a few extra precautions, as well as maintaining social distancing as much as possible, and additional health and welfare measures, including pre-screening for high risk individuals.
Dentistry already has protocols in place to deal with potential infections and cross contamination to protect our team members health and prevent patient to patient transmission. Dental practices are run like small hospitals with all that that entails. In reality, dental practices are already very safe places to have any treatment at any time.
Our team has taken this down-time in practice to improve our systems, do some routine maintenance and rethink every facet of our dental services. Over time, we always strive to improve upon what we do. Our vision remains unchanged, however, we will re-emerge from this health emergency with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. Our patients care is always paramount in our minds. Our commitment to exceptional dentistry and exceptional care remains central to our patient-centred experience.
For the time being, some small changes to practice are anticipated (and some may be extended or even continued if we feel it enhances our standard of care.)
Social distancing of 1.5 is adhered to wherever practical . (Of course this doesn�t apply when serving your dental needs. Anyway, we are well dressed with PPE to protect the both of us in that event). We have less chairs in our lounge area for now and there is plenty of room to spread around. Of course, family members can sit together as if they were at home.
We may ask some questions to assess for any risk factors that may impact on your dental care and treatment provided.
Hand sanitiser stations are strategically positioned around the practice for your convenience. We kindly ask that you apply the sanitiser when entering and leaving the office and a specific station is available at the front door for that purpose.
Our dentists may use specialised equipment or additional measures, procedures or protocols where necessary to assist with your dental treatment. Your dentist will explain any of these to you and you are welcome to ask any questions, whether concerned or merely curious.
We are still here to serve you and your dental needs as well as we can whilst observing best practice. The safety and wellbeing of our wonderful patients and amazing team members are of equal importance and we will take every measure to preserve that ideal.
We appreciate you could choose any dental office and we especially appreciate that you choose to accept care from our team at Simply Beautiful Smiles. We are still here, we do care and will continue to provide the very best of care in these difficult times.
Here is an article that appreaed in the SMH that you may find interesting reading: Dentist ready to welcome patients back as Coronavirus restrictions ease
My best wishes to you all.