
Renovations Have Started – What a Crazy Couple of Weeks!

Some months ago, we posted that we were planning renovations.  Well, last week, with the Easter Monday and school holidays, we closed the surgery to patients so that we could get the bulk of the renovations finished (we thought). Naturally, things ran over and there were hiccups to be had, including when I dropped approximately 5L of ceiling paint all over the tiled floor (in an attempt to remove building debris so I could start some cleaning).

I had sent Andrew away for a well-deserved break over Easter and kept the rest of the team on board to help with moving from one room to another all of our stock and delicate equipment.

On top of everything, the phones are still not working properly after installing an expensive system just prior to Christmas. We are working with Telstra to get this resolved.  We are very disappointed about this and doing our best to get it all rectified as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, almost everyone at the office has been ill too this week so we are not much better than when we closed the doors to the renovations late last Friday.  We have so far managed very little in the way of cleaning and only have a couple of rooms bearly operational.

I would like to thank everyone who has been very patient with us during this extremely stressful time, as we have been unavailable for urgent appointments, plus having to move appointments that were booked in for this week, as well as calls often going to personal mobile numbers without notice as the phone lines dropped out.

We are hoping that by next Monday, we will have a much better semblance of order.

Warmest regards


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