
Congratulations to Ashleigh – AACTA Nominee for Best Female Presenter 2018

Dr John Wells is understandably very proud that his daughter, Ashleigh, has been nominated for an AACTA Award for Best Female Presenter.

Some of our patients follow Ashleigh, having known her as a young girl sometimes spending time at the surgery during school holidays, often to be found on a spare dental chair watching her favourite Disney animation movies on the ceiling mounted TVs.

 Ashleigh has been co-hosting Disney’s Hanging With for several years now, and this year has also been presenting and/or reporting for Gfinity Esports and the XGames 2018, as well as her usual Voice Over work with Australia’s leading voice over agents RMK. Some patients were entertained with Ashleigh’s cartoon character imitations – she never ceases to amaze.

Way to go Ash! xx

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