Over 30 years of experience. | Exceptional results.


Over 30 years of experience. | Exceptional results.


Porcelain veneers represent one of the most exciting new areas in cosmetic dentistry. Whether for a single tooth or even a whole new smile such as with our “Smile Makeovers”, porcelain veneers can transform average-looking teeth into glamorous, beautiful smiles. These thin facades of porcelain are very popular for people with irregular, chipped, or discoloured teeth. The process of applying porcelain veneers is less invasive than many other dental procedures.

Porcelain laminate veneers usually require a minimal amount of tooth preparation, over which a thin (usually less than 1mm) veneer of porcelain is bonded to the tooth. This procedure usually requires just two visits and is very conservative. Single tooth reconstruction or a whole new smile can be achieved in this fashion. We like our patients to be aware of the tremendous changes taking place in dentistry today. As well as the traditional porcelain dental veneers, there are new approaches and systems currently available in dentistry that offer a new approach to dental veneers, making them more conservative than ever before.

The concept of “no preparation veneers” or “minimal preparation veneers” is a concept not new to biomimetic dentistry. Biomimetic dentistry is the application of art and science to the recreation of tooth structure in all its forms, including function, physical properties and aesthetic outcomes.

In some cases, minor orthodontics to align teeth is indicated to achieve this. Straighter teeth usually require less tooth preparation to conservatively allow for the necessary changes to shape and colour desired.

In some situations, porcelain crowns and porcelain veneers can be created side by side to rejuvenate the smile. A mixture of these two aesthetic restorations is often required, where one or more dark or heavily filled teeth are present and porcelain veneers may not be the suitable choice for restoration.

Not all porcelain veneers are created equal. There is a wide range of quality and aesthetic choices available. With porcelain veneers, its usually a case of you get what you pay for. Each tooth is crafted by hand to fully customise the smile. They are like pieces of fine jewellery, even made in the same way as fine jewellery, each a mini masterpiece in its own right.

The most difficult treatment that a Cosmetic Dentist will ever be confronted with is to match just one or two front teeth to the rest of the teeth. This is the ultimate test in aesthetic dentistry and where many practitioners fail.

Not so perfect, perfect porcelain veneers, is also an essential essence of smile design. Our patients can now enjoy the full range of options available, from that Hollywood blockbuster, to a completely customised mimicry of true nature.


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Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers represent one of the most exciting new areas in cosmetic dentistry. Whether for a single tooth or even a whole new smile such as with our “Smile Makeovers” and “Smile Lifts”, they can transform average looking teeth into glamorous, beautiful smiles. These thin facades of porcelain are very popular for people with irregular, chipped, or discoloured teeth. This process of applying porcelain veneers is less invasive than many dental procedures.

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Dental Veneers

Porcelain laminate veneers usually require a minimal amount of tooth preparation, over which a thin (usually less than 1mm) veneer of porcelain is bonded to the tooth. This procedure usually requires just two visits and is very conservative. Single tooth reconstruction or a whole new smile can be achieved in this fashion.

We like our patients to be aware of the tremendous changes taking place in dentistry today. As well as the traditional porcelain dental veneers, there are new approaches and systems currently available in dentistry that offer a new approach to dental veneers, making them more conservative than ever before.

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